Windows 2008 Terminal Server socket error executable on network sh
(too old to reply)
2009-11-30 20:21:01 UTC
Hi all!

We have a very stange thing discovered today:
One of our products (Win 32 Platform SDK, C/C++, VS 2008) is opening a
socket for communication. This software normaly resists on a network share,
so the clients can execute the software. This worked fine so far with XP,
Windows 2003 / 2003 R2 and 2003 R2 terminal server.
Now two sides were migrated to windows 2008 & windows 2008 terminal server;
and the software does not work anymore.
We discovered that the setup up of the socket is working, but the call of
"socket" ends in a error 10022. Then we tried other executables on that
share; same problem they can also not open a socket. (MySQL client says
"Can't create socket (10022)").

This looks like CAS for .Net, but we are in the native world!
We also tried (desperate situations needs desperate actions :) ) to use
CASPOL and IE to "trust" the share. But still the same problem.

If we copy the exe from the share to the desktop of the TS, it works fine

Any thoughts ?

Adam P
2011-07-22 18:08:01 UTC
I'm having a very similar issue. Did you ever find a fix for this problem?

Post by JPV
Hi all!
One of our products (Win 32 Platform SDK, C/C++, VS 2008) is opening a
socket for communication. This software normaly resists on a network share,
so the clients can execute the software. This worked fine so far with XP,
Windows 2003 / 2003 R2 and 2003 R2 terminal server.
Now two sides were migrated to windows 2008 & windows 2008 terminal server;
and the software does not work anymore.
We discovered that the setup up of the socket is working, but the call of
"socket" ends in a error 10022. Then we tried other executables on that
share; same problem they can also not open a socket. (MySQL client says
"Can't create socket (10022)").
This looks like CAS for .Net, but we are in the native world!
We also tried (desperate situations needs desperate actions :) ) to use
CASPOL and IE to "trust" the share. But still the same problem.
If we copy the exe from the share to the desktop of the TS, it works fine
Any thoughts ?