(too old to reply)
2010-03-09 23:11:01 UTC
I am trying to write a test to test our login process. After several hundred
web requests to the authentication server, I receive the
ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR on the callback to the WinHttpReceiveResponse.

At first I was calling send repeatedly on the same HINTERNET request object
WinHttpSendRequest with a different context for each request. This works,
but after about 300-500 calls to WinHttpSendRequest, WinHttpReceiveResponse
starts returning ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR, and I have to retry.

I then broke it up over 50 HINTERNET requests and tried to spread the number
of sends, so that each request would only receive about 12 sends each, the
results were the same. After receiving about 300-400 receive callbacks, they
begin to fail, and I have to retry that send. I'm having trouble determining
why this error is happening. I can retry, and this works, but we are trying
to get this as fast as possible and retrying really sucks for that.

I'm new to WinHTTP, so if I need to give more detail, just let me know.
2010-03-09 23:14:01 UTC
Is it possible to move this to the WinHTTP forum? I meant to post it there.
Post by SpaceCowboy
I am trying to write a test to test our login process. After several hundred
web requests to the authentication server, I receive the
ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR on the callback to the WinHttpReceiveResponse.
At first I was calling send repeatedly on the same HINTERNET request object
WinHttpSendRequest with a different context for each request. This works,
but after about 300-500 calls to WinHttpSendRequest, WinHttpReceiveResponse
starts returning ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR, and I have to retry.
I then broke it up over 50 HINTERNET requests and tried to spread the number
of sends, so that each request would only receive about 12 sends each, the
results were the same. After receiving about 300-400 receive callbacks, they
begin to fail, and I have to retry that send. I'm having trouble determining
why this error is happening. I can retry, and this works, but we are trying
to get this as fast as possible and retrying really sucks for that.
I'm new to WinHTTP, so if I need to give more detail, just let me know.
2010-03-09 23:15:01 UTC
Just ignore this here - I'm reposting in the proper forum.
Post by SpaceCowboy
I am trying to write a test to test our login process. After several hundred
web requests to the authentication server, I receive the
ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR on the callback to the WinHttpReceiveResponse.
At first I was calling send repeatedly on the same HINTERNET request object
WinHttpSendRequest with a different context for each request. This works,
but after about 300-500 calls to WinHttpSendRequest, WinHttpReceiveResponse
starts returning ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR, and I have to retry.
I then broke it up over 50 HINTERNET requests and tried to spread the number
of sends, so that each request would only receive about 12 sends each, the
results were the same. After receiving about 300-400 receive callbacks, they
begin to fail, and I have to retry that send. I'm having trouble determining
why this error is happening. I can retry, and this works, but we are trying
to get this as fast as possible and retrying really sucks for that.
I'm new to WinHTTP, so if I need to give more detail, just let me know.